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The Cheapest Flight Deals of 2017 to New York premium economy This bet involves private very high risk in light of global economic conditions, which show clear signs of the recession means that growth opportunities economy Egyptian high rates weak, either through export «With the recession in the euro zone's largest trade partner of Egypt» or attracting capital «under foreign investment focus in Egypt in the oil and gas sectors and which affected much of the decline in world prices since 2014 »With tourism local and regional security conditions extremely tense link, and therefore may not be appropriate for the government targeting foreign funding huge for the launch of economic growth, especially that the Egyptian economy has no Industrial exports or service forces sector can be relied upon to achieve the dollar too much flow in case of restoring growth to service the foreign debt, a model which was adopted by Turkey since 2002, and has succeeded in part, although the magnitude of the external debt «about 60% of GDP, compared with 14% in Egypt »but Turkish exports industrial sector with tourism has succeeded in generating enough to service this debt, which is in most of the debt of private sector« about two-thirds of the total », while in Egypt it is unlikely to happen in light of the continued reliance on extractive industries. The Cheapest Flight Deals of 2017 to New York premium economy What's the alternative then? The government will implement austerity measures, in all cases, it would be this painful economic and social effects translate into economic decline since 2011, but the government has sought to take advantage of these actions by borrowing from abroad is to bet misplaced, because it will show the country not only to the pain of austerity and deflation, but would risk that the country is facing several years after we have externally very big groaning under the weight of his service without to achieve sustained growth, it is better to be avoided borrowing to finance consumption, and that, in turn, focus on building political agreements to take deficit reduction measures «maybe even an agreement with the IMF but without huge amounts of borrowing », on the basis that the global economic context is to reduce the social cost of a slowdown period and not the release of growth and expansion.

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